Go To Training: a new e-learning option?

Learning Tools & Tips
I woke up bleary-eyed this morning to sit in on a webinar explaining the new GO TO TRAINING – Online Training Made Easy.   Why would people be interested in an online learning tool? In a snap poll the reasons included having to do more with less (72%), being able to access more people with training (72%) and being able to deliver training more quickly (58%).  So savings (time and money) and reach are the biggest motivators. For me, being able to deliver training in smaller chunks at times that more people are able to be available is also a key reason. For example, this tool enables you to deliver a 5 hour session on a weekend, a 2 hour session in the evening or a 1 hour session at…
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Technology … love it!

Learning Tools & Tips
There are some exciting new web applications floating around cyberspace these days. Here are a  few I've been exploring lately: Dokeos.com- an e-learning tool that is open source (ie free and collaboratively built). It looks very comprehensive having used the online demo. At some point I may download it and see how it works under the hood. An easy solution to play with. I found Moodle complex to get going but that was when I looked at it in the early days so it may be more user-friendly now. I've also looked at LAMS and that seems great too but again not easy to use for the average-joey. Dokeo looks easy to use - I just haven’t spent enough time to work out how to put the content together yet!…
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