Are Older Workers Being Trained?

I was conducting a new program yesterday and in one of the sessions a common theme emerged from a number of the groups during an exercise. Ageism. In discussing the issue with a number of participants they firmly held the belief that their organisation discriminated (consciously or unconsiously) against older members of the team. I have had lots of anecdotal evidence like this but have rarely come across evidentiary support. Well, here it is: A labour force survey in the Europe demonstrates that older workers do not receive similar levels of training as their younger counterparts. The question is "why?".  Some reasons were given but the category of 21% "Other Reasons" begs further investigation. I know of a number of people who get called for interviews but regularly miss out…
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Universal HR

These days, many of us are interacting on an international level. Sometimes that can provide challenges when the standard English translation dictionary doesn’t have  an equivalent for something like ‘learning curve’.   Problem now solved!   Here is a specific translator for Human Resources and Payroll terms.  It can be a godsend for those who are struggling to make sense of converting English.   You can even download the lexicon by alphabet letter if you need a physical reference at hand and can’t access the internet – may be handy to take on your next overseas jaunt.
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Build Your Expertise… Fast

Key tips from Gihn Perera. Create your newsletter – short and sweet better but HAS to be high value content. Subscriptions to newsletters dropping but blog subscriptions increasing. Post to your blog – post at least weekly, prepare a batch of posts in one go and schedule their release dates, cut and paste from your newsletter, review videos or articles or books and summarise or comment on those, talk about what you know Create a podcast – audio mp3 file Produce a video – sit in your backyard with your webcam and knock it up. It’s about quality content more than high production values. Use tools to automatically update –, tell LinkedIn to update from your tweets, tell YouTube to post video to twitter and Facebook, Blogger or…
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Getting More Things Done

  No matter what our role, it’s increasingly a challenge to fit everything in. Multi-tasking is great but it often means we get less done even though we manage to start and attend to a lot of things that need progress. I was reminded today of Charles Schwab’s enduring formula for managing productivity:   The “Big 6” 1. Make a list, before the start of each day,    of the things that need to be accomplished. 2. Identify your "Big 6" and put a star (*) by them.    Commit to accomplishing the top six that are    CURRENTLY most important to your goals .  3. Begin work on the one that is most important.    Continue working until that task is completed    (or something else became more important).…
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